The Benefits of Using a Weighted Blanket


Weighted blankets are heavier-than-usual blankets that are used for therapeutic purposes. These blankets can weigh between 5 to 30 pounds and are commonly used to treat issues like stress and anxiety. They can be either knitted or duvet style. Duvet-style blankets contain glass or plastic beads or ball bearings to add weight. Knitted blankets are woven with dense yarn to make them heavier than normal blankets. Some of the many benefits of weighted blankets include:

1. Lessens anxiety

Heavy blankets provide a form of deep pressure stimulation that is thought to improve the production of the serotonin—the mood-boosting hormone. This deep stimulation can also reduce the production of cortisol, which is the stress hormone, and increase production of melatonin, which is the hormone that enables you to sleep. These hormonal factors can greatly alleviate symptoms of anxiety. Plus, many people find the all-over pressure from a weighted blanket soothing enough to even ease the symptoms of anxiety attacks.

2. Lowers depression and improves mood

Depression and low mood can be a result of various factors such as illness, changes in hormones, and exhaustion, among many other potential factors. When you feel this way, it is advisable to find a solution to the problem before it worsens. Weighted blankets provide deep touch pressure, which can stimulate the production of serotonin, which should, in turn, improve your mood. The gentle pressure on your body also helps to bring down the level of cortisol in the body as well, which can additionally help to improve your mood.

3. Improves sleep quality

Anxiety and depression trap many people in a vicious cycle of lack of sleep—these conditions negatively affect sleep and, as a result, this lack of sleep increases the levels of depression and anxiety symptoms. Weighted blankets can provide soothing effects that might help to alleviate insomnia symptoms and improve sleep for people with depression, anxiety, ADHD, and bipolar disorder. The deep pressure stimulation provided by a weighted blanket can also increase the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, which can help users not only drift off to sleep quicker and easier, but stay asleep longer.

4. Reduces stress

When you feel stressed, the body produces excessive amounts of cortisol. This makes you feel anxious, nervous, and irritated. Heavy blankets, in this case, can help to stimulate the feel-good hormone known as dopamine that helps to reduce cortisol levels in the body, thus reducing stress levels.

5. Manages the symptoms of autism

People with autism, especially children, who require deep pressure therapy such as touch, massage, brushing, and squeezing can certainly benefit from using a weighted blanket. Weighted blankets can help them to concentrate on the deep pressure provided by the blanket instead of the other sensory stimuli that are present in their surroundings, thus allowing them to relax even in instances where they may be over-stimulated.